.. _benchmark-cli: CLI === Workflow -------- You can use SkyPilot Benchmark by simply replacing your ``sky launch`` command with ``sky bench launch``: .. code-block:: bash # Launch mytask on a V100 VM and a T4 VM $ sky bench launch mytask.yaml --gpus V100,T4 --benchmark mybench The second command will launch ``mytask.yaml`` on a V100 VM and a T4 VM simultaneously, with a benchmark name ``mybench``. After the task finishes, you can check the benchmark results using ``sky bench show``: .. code-block:: bash # Show the benchmark report on `mybench` $ sky bench show mybench CLUSTER RESOURCES STATUS DURATION SPENT($) STEPS SEC/STEP $/STEP EST(hr) EST($) sky-bench-mybench-0 1x GCP(n1-highmem-8, {'V100': 1}) FINISHED 12m 51s 0.6317 - - - - - sky-bench-mybench-1 1x AWS(g4dn.xlarge, {'T4': 1}) FINISHED 16m 19s 0.1430 - - - - - In the report, SkyPilot shows the duration and cost of ``mybench`` on each VM. The VMs can be terminated by either ``sky bench down`` or ``sky down``: .. code-block:: bash # Terminate all the clusters used for `mybench` $ sky bench down mybench # Terminate all the clusters used for `mybench` except `sky-bench-mybench-0` $ sky bench down mybench --exclude sky-bench-mybench-0 # Terminate individual clusters as usual $ sky down sky-bench-mybench-0 .. note:: Each cluster launched by ``sky bench launch`` will automatically **stop** itself 5 minutes after the task is finished. However, you don't have to restart those clusters. Regardless of the status of the clusters, ``sky bench show`` will provide the benchmark results. .. note:: SkyPilot Benchmark does not consider the time/cost of provisioning and setup. The columns (such as ``DURATION`` and ``SPENT($)``) in the report indicate the time/cost spent in executing the ``run`` section of your task YAML. .. note:: Here, the columns other than ``DURATION`` and ``SPENT($)`` are empty. To get a complete benchmark report, please refer to :ref:`SkyCallback`. Managing benchmark reports --------------------------- ``sky bench ls`` shows the list of the benchmark reports you have: .. code-block:: bash # List all the benchmark reports $ sky bench ls BENCHMARK TASK LAUNCHED CANDIDATE 1 CANDIDATE 2 CANDIDATE 3 CANDIDATE 4 bert bert_qa 2022-08-10 10:07:27 1x Standard_NC6_Promo (K80:1) 1x g4dn.xlarge (T4:1) 1x g5.xlarge (A10G:1) 1x n1-highmem-8 (V100:1) mybench mytask 2022-08-10 11:24:27 1x n1-highmem-8 (V100:1) 1x g4dn.xlarge (T4:1) To delete a benchmark report, use ``sky bench delete``: .. code-block:: bash # Delete the benchmark report on `mybench` $ sky bench delete mybench