Installation ============ Install SkyPilot using pip: .. code-block:: console $ # SkyPilot requires python >= 3.6. $ # Recommended: use a new conda env to avoid package conflicts. $ conda create -y -n sky python=3.7 $ conda activate sky $ # Choose an extra (default: [aws]) $ pip install skypilot $ # pip install "skypilot[gcp]" $ # pip install "skypilot[azure]" $ # pip install "skypilot[all]" SkyPilot currently supports three major cloud providers: AWS, GCP, and Azure. If you only have access to certain clouds, use any combination of :code:`"[aws,azure,gcp]"` (e.g., :code:`"[aws,gcp]"`) to reduce the dependencies installed. You may also install SkyPilot from source. .. code-block:: console $ git clone $ cd skypilot $ pip install ".[all]" .. note:: For Macs, macOS >= 10.15 is required to install SkyPilot. Apple Silicon-based devices (e.g. Apple M1) must run :code:`conda install grpcio=1.43.0` prior to installing SkyPilot. .. note:: As an alternative to installing SkyPilot on your laptop, we also provide a Docker image as a quick way to try out SkyPilot. See instructions below on running SkyPilot :ref:`in a container `. .. _cloud-account-setup: Cloud account setup ------------------- Configure access to at least one cloud: **AWS** To get the **AWS access key** required by :code:`aws configure`, please go to the `AWS IAM Management Console `_ and click on the "Access keys" dropdown (detailed instructions `here `_). The **Default region name [None]:** and **Default output format [None]:** fields are optional and can be left blank to choose defaults. .. code-block:: console $ # Install boto $ pip install boto3 $ # Configure your AWS credentials $ aws configure Note: If you are using AWS IAM Identity Center (AWS SSO), you will need :code:`pip install awscli>=1.27.10`. See `here `_ for instructions on how to configure AWS SSO. **GCP** .. code-block:: console $ pip install google-api-python-client $ conda install -c conda-forge google-cloud-sdk $ gcloud init $ # Run this if you don't have a credentials file. $ # This will generate ~/.config/gcloud/application_default_credentials.json. $ gcloud auth application-default login If running :code:`conda install -c conda-forge google-cloud-sdk` produces the error *"RemoveError: 'requests' is a dependency of conda and cannot be removed from conda's operating environment"*, try :code:`conda update --force conda` first and rerun the command. Note: if you encounter *Authorization Error (Error 400: invalid_request)* with the url generated by :code:`gcloud auth login`, try installing the latest version of the `Google Cloud SDK `_ (e.g., with :code:`conda install -c conda-forge google-cloud-sdk`) on **your local machine** (which opened the browser) and rerun the command. .. note:: If you are using multiple GCP projects, list all the configs by :code:`gcloud config configurations list` and activate one by :code:`gcloud config configurations activate ` (See `GCP docs `_). **Azure** .. code-block:: console $ # Login $ az login $ # Set the subscription to use $ az account set -s Hint: run ``az account subscription list`` to get a list of subscription IDs under your account. **Verifying cloud setup** After configuring the desired clouds, you can optionally run :code:`sky check` to verify that credentials are correctly set up: .. code-block:: console $ sky check This will produce a summary like: .. code-block:: text Checking credentials to enable clouds for SkyPilot. AWS: enabled GCP: enabled Azure: enabled SkyPilot will use only the enabled clouds to run tasks. To change this, configure cloud credentials, and run sky check. Requesting quotas for first time users -------------------------------------- If your cloud account has not been used to launch instances before, the respective quotas are likely set to zero or a low limit. This is especially true for GPU instances. Please follow :ref:`Requesting Quota Increase` to check quotas and request quota increases before proceeding. .. _docker-image: Quick alternative: trying in Docker ------------------------------------------------------ As a **quick alternative to installing SkyPilot on your laptop**, we also provide a Docker image with SkyPilot and its dependencies installed for users to quickly try out SkyPilot. You can simply run: .. code-block:: console $ docker run -td --name sky --rm -v "$HOME/.sky:/root/.sky:rw" -v "$HOME/.aws:/root/.aws:rw" -v "$HOME/.config/gcloud:/root/.config/gcloud:rw" -v "$HOME/.azure:/root/.azure:rw" $ docker exec -it sky /bin/bash If your cloud CLIs are already setup, your credentials will be mounted to the container and you can proceed to :ref:`Quickstart `. Else you can follow the instructions in :ref:`Cloud account setup ` inside the container to setup your cloud accounts. If you exit from the shell in the container, the container will keep running in the background. You can start a new shell with :code:`docker exec -it sky /bin/bash`. Once you are done with experimenting with sky, remember to delete any clusters and storage resources you may have created using the following commands: .. code-block:: console # Run inside the container $ sky down -a -y $ sky storage delete -a -y Finally, you can stop the container with: .. code-block:: console $ docker stop sky .. _shell-completion: Enabling shell completion ------------------------- SkyPilot supports shell completion for Bash (Version 4.4 and up), Zsh and Fish. This is only available for :code:`click` versions 8.0 and up (use :code:`pip install click==8.0.4` to install). To enable shell completion after installing SkyPilot, you will need to modify your shell configuration. SkyPilot automates this process using the :code:`--install-shell-completion` option, which you should call using the appropriate shell name or :code:`auto`: .. code-block:: console $ sky --install-shell-completion auto $ # sky --install-shell-completion zsh $ # sky --install-shell-completion bash $ # sky --install-shell-completion fish Shell completion may perform poorly on certain shells and machines. If you experience any issues after installation, you can use the :code:`--uninstall-shell-completion` option to uninstall it, which you should similarly call using the appropriate shell name or :code:`auto`: .. code-block:: console $ sky --uninstall-shell-completion auto $ # sky --uninstall-shell-completion zsh $ # sky --uninstall-shell-completion bash $ # sky --uninstall-shell-completion fish